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(530) 885-7444

The days of “take two aspirin and call me in the morning” have morphed into “take two of these…and two of these…and perhaps one of those, too!” Nearly forty percent of seniors are taking at least five different prescription medications each day – not to mention OTC meds, vitamins, and supplements. It is easy to see why there is an increased likelihood of adverse medical reactions and overmedicated seniors.

Take these steps to prevent complications from overmedicated senior loved ones:

It is also vital to remember that a doctor should always be consulted before beginning or changing any medications, including vitamins or over-the-counter meds. Some prescription medications belong to the same drug category as OTC meds and could lead to an excessive amount of a medication being administered. In other cases, OTC medications or vitamins interact negatively with prescriptions.

We are always available to help seniors continue to be healthy and safe. Email or call us at (530) 885-7444 for more information on our in-home care in Roseville, CA and nearby areas. For a full list of all of the communities where we provide care, please visit our Service Area page.

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