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Home healthcare nurse helping senior woman with physical therapy.
January 20, 2022

Overcoming the Challenges of Senior Fitness

Initiating a routine exercise habit is difficult at any age. Performing exercises is strenuous. We don’t want to waste the time. We're feeling the pain from yesterday's exercising. We've all made excuses such as these for avoiding physical fitness; but frailty and advanced age make it even more daunting to keep up with an exercise routine and maintain senior fitness.

Help at Home Senior Care hopes to help aging adults continue to be active with tips to eliminate the following senior fitness obstacles:

  • Self-confidence: It’s common for older adults to feel overwhelmed with the thought of meeting exercise goals and objectives. It can be beneficial to begin slowly with exercises that are easily accomplished and progress slowly; and, motivate the senior with frequent encouragement.
  • Attitude: Attitude is critical when it comes to physical fitness. If approached negatively, it will be much more difficult to adhere to an effective exercise regimen. Opt for activities that will be enjoyable and that the older adult will look forward to.
  • Pain: The expression, “No pain, no gain,” just isn’t true. Older adults should refrain from overdoing it and decrease the intensity level if being afflicted by pain or discomfort.
  • Disabilities: Aging adults with physical or cognitive limitations can and should stay physically active in accordance with their ability level. Check with the physician for a referral to a personal trainer or physical therapist who can come up with a program of specialized exercises.
  • Fear of Injury/Balance Problems: There are a variety of assistive devices to support safe, effective exercising while still maximizing senior fitness.
  • Financial Concerns: It does not have to cost a lot of money to stay fit! Walking and other straightforward exercises in and around the senior's home, utilizing typical household objects, can be incorporated into an exercise regimen at little to no cost.
  • Illness or Fatigue: Exercises can be customized to match the older individual's energy level, and he or she may slowly increase the endurance level in time.

Keep in mind that the trick to ongoing success with an exercise program is to assure the older adult feels comfortable and safe with the strategy and the exercises. If pain is felt in muscles or joints the day after exercising, a lowered intensity can be implemented; and check with the doctor if the pain or discomfort continues.

Help at Home Senior Care's caregivers will work with your loved one's physician to implement a safe exercise plan in line with his or her abilities to boost strength, independence, and overall quality of life. Reach out to us at (530) 885-7444 to learn more about the positive aspects of daily exercise in improving senior fitness and to learn more about our home care and Alzheimer's care in Lincoln, CA and the surrounding areas.

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