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March 16, 2022

Questions to Ask When Shopping for Home Care for Elderly Loved Ones

When it comes to selecting home care for elderly loved ones, there are a variety of options available to families, and it's very important to diligently research and ask the right questions in order to ensure the highest levels of care. Help at Home Senior Care has compiled the questions below that can help when contacting home care agencies to ensure you’re making an informed decision: 


  • List of services. Do they offer services specific to the senior's requirements? Is someone on staff available to provide details on all services, eligibility requirements and funding sources? Can you access this information online or can it be sent to you?
  • Supervision and training. What professional training and certification does the agency require of its direct care providers? How frequently do the supervisors oversee the care providers to guarantee proper care is being provided?
  • Documentation and coordination. Are visits documented? Do family members have easy access? Does the agency coordinate with the senior's home health team to provide a coordinated plan of care?


  • Duration of visits. How frequently will the caregiver visit, and how long does she or he stay for each visit? Does the agency provide care on evenings, weekends, and holidays? Will the visit allow for time to engage in conversations and to get to know the senior?
  • Rotation of care. Is care provided on a consistent basis by the same caregiver, or is care rotated between multiple people? If caregivers rotate, how frequently? Will the family receive advance notification when a caregiver change is made?
  • Accessibility. Does the caregiver and office staff maintain frequent contact? Will they keep you informed of any changes in the older adult’s health, condition, or plan of care?


  • Billing and funding. Are services covered by long-term care insurance or available grants? Do they provide printed statements outlining costs? How often is the care invoiced if there is payment due?
  • Additional fees. Are there fees for specialized or extended services? Are there payment plans in place for out-of-pocket services?

We hope that if a senior you love is in Grass Valley or the surrounding areas, you’ll consider partnering with Help at Home Senior Care for your care needs. With years of experience and a full range of services, including companionship, respite care, specialized dementia care and much more, we’re here for you for a few hours a week all the way up to round-the-clock care. Reach out to us any time at (530) 885-7444 to learn more about our top-rated respite care in Grass Valley, CA and nearby areas, and to schedule a complimentary in-home consultation today. 

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